
Base panel or sandwich

What it is

Woodstone is a patented coupling system between high-quality materials such as granite, marble, onyx, quartz or any other natural stone, 6 mm thick,  and an Okoumè multi-plywood panel. It allows to simultaneously enjoy the beauty of two different components, stone and wood, but maintaining a high physical and mechanical performance in a single product.

The study and development of this product was then concentrated in finding an unique solution, that would allow to acoustically  and thermally insulate also two different rooms through the use of one and only panel but always with high-quality finishes. It has  therefore been enriched by a central core composed of special closed cell, cross-linked, Freon-free, no-hygroscopic and fire retardant foam. This product is, therefore, suitable to create walls, partitions or other like that.

The glue used in the assembly process of the materials is of our own invention, certified, solvents-free, with no-VOC emissions and with technology that follows the nautical regulations.

How it is made

Basic Woodstone panel configuration:

  • Okoumè multi-plywood panel
  • Thin natural or synthetic stone slab

Sandwich Woodstone panel configuration:

  • Okoumè multi-plywood panel
  • Core of closed-cell foam
  • Thin natural or synthetic stone slab


  • Quick installation
  • Lightness
  • Deadening
  • Heat insulation
  • Ecological
  • No-Hygroscopic
  • Fire resistant on request

More information

Download PDF


Fields of use

Construction, Interior Design, Boating


  • According to the required thickness, it is possible to equip the sandwich panel with approved raceways for the  passage of cables and/or pipes
  • The patented used glues are solvent-free, according to the nautical regulations
  • The bonding is guaranteed
  • Dimensions and panel thicknesses depending on the needs of the designer


Do you need information?

Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548



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