Top Design

Lightened stone slab combined with Okoumè wood panel

What it is

Top Design is born by the patented combination between an Okoumè multi-plywood panel and a thin slab of marble, granite or any natural stone of only 6 mm in thickness, thereby obtaining a lightweight product but with high compressive strength.

It finds its ideal placement in kitchens and bathrooms, or for the realization of doors or coatings, where the need to decrease the weight load is greater. With a thickness of 1,6 cm Top Design has a weight of only 16 kg/sq m, instead of 60 kg/sq meter as normally in a top of  2 cm thick, or 90 kg/sq meter as in 3 cm thick ones.

The solution found in using a multilayer panel, instead of a honeycomb panel or other materials, was dictated by the need both to reduce the costs of the well-known application and to eliminate the mould growth inside the alveolus.

How it is made

  • Okoumè multi-plywood panel
  • Thin natural or synthetic stone slab


  • Lightness
  • Excellent mechanical stability
  • High compressive strength
  • Ecological product
  • No mould growth
  • Fire resistant on request
  • It is proof against sudden change in temperature

More information

Download PDF

Fields of use

Interior Design, Boating

Other details

  • The patented used glues are solvent-free, according to the nautical regulations
  • The bonding is guaranteed
  • Size and thickness of  Top Design depending on the needs of the designer
  • Gluing on the coast of natural stone edges or other synthetic materials
  • Ideal for nautical construction or camper
  • Guarantee of fine finishes and  brightness of the materials


Do you need information?

Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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