Superlight panel

Sandwich panel, Okoumè, blond compact cork

What it is

Superlight Panel is a lightweight sandwich panel made up of  Okoumè multi-plywood skin and high-density super-compressed cork core.

It is ideal for structural achievements, open spaces, commercial buildings, housing and nautical applications such as bulkheads, partition walls and furnishing components.

How it is done

  • Okoumé multi-plywood skin
  • High-density super-compressed blond cork core


  • Lightweight
  • High physical and mechanical performance
  • Good deadening and thermal insulation
  • Quickness of laying and workability
  • Highly ecological and certified FSC product

More information


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Fields of use

Construction, Interior Design, Boating


  • The used glues are patented and solvent-free, according to nautical regulations
  • The bonding is guaranteed
  • Dimensions and thicknesses of the panel depending on the needs of the designer, but at a reasonable price


Do you need information?

Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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