Sept floor

Dry floating floor heating system

What it is

Sept Floor is a dry, patented and floating floor heating system, composed of a “Ra” stratified wood panel of  22 mm in thickness, combined with copper fibres, and an Isosept closed-cell foam panel, rabbeted on the four sides and grooved in order to contain a multilayer polyethylene pipe of 17x2cm.

The presence of copper, combined with the particular type of wood, allows an uniform heat accumulation that the mass absorbs and then returns over time, making it becomes a natural heat-regulating panel and thereby guaranteeing a minimum energy savings of 70%.

How it is made

  • “Ra“ stratified wood panel of 22 mm in thickness, combined with copper fibres
  • Isosept closed-cell foam panel, rabbeted on the four sides
  • Multilayer polyethylene pipe of 17x2 cm
  • Isoacustic sheath or super-compressed cork slab of 0,10 mm in thickness


  • Rapid set up of low operating temperature
  • Physical and environmental comfort
  • Natural heat regulating system
  • Excellent mechanical strength
  • Easiness of laying
  • High energy savings

More information

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Fields of use



Sept Floor system has a thickness of 6 cm and a total weight of 14.2 kg/sq meter


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For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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