
Lightened marble with honeycomb panel

What it is

Thanks to the use of a special patented “Ramec” glue, that guarantees the setting at temperatures ranging from  + 100 ° C to – 40 ° C, it has been possible to realize the Lichtstone panel, which finds its ideal use in lightening slabs of granite, marble, quartzite or any other natural stone. It is so suitable for the realization of civil and industrial buildings, furniture, both inside and outside facing, flooring etc.

With this application a stone slab 6 mm thick, to which a honeycomb panel 10 mm thick is glued, will have a total weight of 16 kg/sq meter. A standard stone slab 16 mm thick will instead have a total weight of 46 kg/sq meter.

How it is made

  • Honeycomb or high density polypropylene panel, with high compressive strength
  • Slab of granite, marble, quartzite or any other natural stone


  • Light weight and low thickness with high compressive strength
  • Several areas of application
  • Ideal product for earthquake-resistant buildings
  • Ideal for boats and campers
  • Excellent solution for the restoration of buildings
  • Thermal shock-resistant and frost-proof
  • Guarantee of fine finishes and  brightness of the natural stone

More information

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Fields of use

Construction, Interior Design, Boating


  • It is possible to use aeronautical Nomex
  • It can be supplied any kind of granite, marble or quartzite slab in according to the request of the designer (except onyx and alabaster)
  • It is also possible to provide for the single application (gluing of honeycomb panel on materials supplied by the customer)
  • Special sizes of  products on demand
  • It is possible to glue finishing stone borders on the panel edging, guaranteeing high setting
  • Patented, solvent-free, no VOC emissions and certified glue
  • The gluing is guaranteed


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For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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