
Electrified power track for trusses with movable adaptors

What it is

Easysystem is a patented and electrified power track for the distribution of energy through movable multimedia power adaptors positioned on it. It is available in various lengths, racing  from 1 m to 2.5 m. and with a capacity of  7 Kilowatt  32A 250Volts, apart from its length.


With this new system the extension cables will be eliminated having, in a single point, both the switch and the socket.

This system finds its ideal use in  television studios, theatres, discos, concert halls, control rooms, trusses for stages.

With Easysystem we will no longer have the power adaptors at fixed points, as they can be added and removed anywhere on the track with a simple push and turn but, above all, with a high level of safety.

More information

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Fields of use

Entertainment, Tourism, Events


Adaptors are available to cover any International request, such as: Euro2, Australia, China, India, USA, UK, Japan, France.



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Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548



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