
Stone tile, cork, Okoumè wood

What it is

Corkstone is the revolutionary patented combination among stone, cork and wood, which offers a new concept of heat insulation and deadening for flooring or facing, in a single solution, for any environment.

Standard size tiles, with a thickness of 17mm, have a total weight of 25 kg/sq meter.

The total thickness of the stone and the wooden support depends on the size of the finished product required.

How it is made

  • Granite, marble, quartzite or synthetic stone tiles
  • High-density cork skin (310 kg / m2), with high deadening and heat insulation properties
  • Okoumè wooden panel with remarkable physical/mechanical performance


  • Excellent sound absorbing thanks to the presence of the cork
  • Excellent thermal insulator
  • Suitable for floor heating systems
  • Quick laying and relative reduction of labour costs
  • Decrease of load on slab
  • Ecological  product
  • It can be lay down on pre-existing floors, using a normal parquet glue

More information

Download PDF

Fields of use

Construction, Interior Design, Boating, Tourist-Hotel sector


  • Measure of tiles on demand
  • Tiles can be supplied with bevel on four sides
  • The patented used glues are solvent-free, according to the nautical regulations
  • The bonding is guaranteed
  • For the installation of this product surfaces must be perfectly levelled


Do you need information?

Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


Contact us

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