
Stone assembled slabs

What it is

Artstone is a new composite marble system that finds its ideal collocation in facing, staircases, flooring or tops, permitting to realize various and artistic furniture.

It was designed to be introduced into new housing, commercial and nautical concepts..

How it is made

Arstone is an assembly of different tile’s sizes of natural stone, bended one another to form a single slab, whose thickness varies from 0.8 to 3cm.

More information

This new way to intend the stone perfectly weds with the actual needs of creative design oriented towards modernism and therefore ideal to be introduced in the new civil, commercial and nautical concepts.


The chromatic choice of the natural colours of the stone, matched together with a careful artistic vision, infuses warmth and harmony sensations, which does not weigh down the spaces but they create a spectacular furnishing motif, thus satisfying the more varied aesthetic demands of the designers.

The design is not just a question of style or mere taste: it is a subtle alchemy that is obtained from the expert blend of different factors, from the ability to combine the needs of the market with the impulses of creativity, in a balance between form and function, aesthetics and use.

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Fields of use

Building, Interior Design, Stone, Boating, Residential, Tourist and hotel accommodations


  • The dimensions of the slab vary according to the needs of the designer
  • Available in various colors
  • The bonding is guaranteed
  • It can be combined with our lightening systems such as Woodstone, Lichtstone, Corkstone,Top Design


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Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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