Natural stones

Marble is like a man, before undertaking anything you must know it well and know everything inside it. So if there are air bubbles in you, I’m wasting my time. (Michelangelo Buonarroti)


There are different types of stone materials whose physical characteristics of mechanical strenght and hardness values vary depending on the category which they belong to. During the design and construction phase of any work, it is therefore essential to evaluate which stones to choose, depending on the use that will be made of them.

The task of the company is to instruct/inform the client so that the choice is not based on the simple “right” combination of marble colours and furnishings or on the mere visual impact: it is necessary to know how to direct the client, offering a wide range of materials and colours, but always with professionalism and competence.


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Responsabile settore lapideo

Cell. +39 345 3823548


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