Research Laboratory

“”Analyzing and evaluating every day all the ideas, I realized that often everyone is convinced that something is impossible, until a naive person arrives who doesn’t  know it and realizes it.” (Albert Einstein)

Research and development of materials 

The research and development laboratory is the heart of the company Ramec, whose main objective is to create new and exclusive materials that are able to facilitate the task of creative designers and construction companies, to plan new housing projects to be proposed to an increasingly demanding customers.

Starting from the study of noble raw materials, such as wood and natural stone, we have carried out various experiments in order to create new products that combine the beauty and versatility of the stone with the physical and mechanical characteristics of the wooden support. We have set up innovative, lightweight and technological materials that give high technical performance, such as thermal and acoustic insulation, reduced layering times and costs, but still retaining great value finishes.

We have made environmental compatibility products, that reduce energy consumption and Voc emissions, and are safe for the environment, production workers, end-users. And this to safeguard our Blue Planet, our Home.

Do you need information?

Write your Name and Email address in the relevant fields, specifying the information/requests you are interested in and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

For info and appointments:


Interior designer and Technical Manager

Cell +39 345 3823548


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